Alemayehu, Tilahun, Demelash Kefale and Walelign Worku. "Effect of Seeding Rate on Growth and Yield Performance of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties at Mizan Aman, Southern Ethiopia". IJRIES 6.5 (2019): 79-98.[More]
Atnafu, Damtew. "Weed Management Methods on Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L)". IJRIES 6.5 (2019): 63-78.[More]
Atnafu, Damtew, Getachew Mekonnen and Adem Mohammed. "Effect of Integrated Weed Management Practices on, Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Var) at Siya Debirina Wayu district Deneba North Shewa, Central Ethiopia". IJRIES 6.5 (2019): 48-62.[More]
Bahru, Daniel Keskse. "Review on: Response of Legume Crops to Rhizobium Inoculation and Inorganic Fertilizers (N, P, K and S) Application in Ethiopia". IJRIES 6.4 (2019): 37-47.[More]
Dinkecha, Kebede. "Effects of Soil Acidity on Plant Nutrient Availability and Lime Requirement in Welmera Woreda, Oromia Region, Ethiopia". IJRIES 6.4 (2019): 29-36.[More]
Nguyen, Xuan Linh et al. "Research on Optimal Cemetery Location Selection using Approach of Fuzzy Set Theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process in Environment of Geographic Information System: a Case Study in Hung Ha District, Thai Binh province, Vietnam". IJRIES 6.3 (2019): 20-28.[More]
Hailu, Birhane, Lemma Wogi and Solomon Tamiru. "Assessment of Soils of Waterlogged Areas in Relation to Salinity and Sodicity in Irrigated Low Land Soils of Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia". IJRIES 6.2 (2019): 11-19.[More]
Nguyen, Quoc Huy et al. "Flooding Impacts on Dong Thap Muoi Region: Cause and Mitigation". IJRIES 6.1 (2019): 1-10.[More]
Year: 2018
Zope, A. V., O. S. Rakhonde and G. K. Awadhiya. "In Vitro Evaluation of Different Fungicides Against Chickpea Wilt Complex Fungi". IJRIES 5.6 (2018): 143-147.[More]
Simsek, Kemal and Goknur Sisman-Aydin. "Cultivation of Green Microalgae Golenkinia Radiata (Chodat, 1894) in Textile Wastewater without Sterilization". IJRIES 5.6 (2018): 136-142.[More]
Simsek, Kemal. "Mixed Wastewater use for Culture of Diatom Nitzschia umbonata (Ehrenberg Lange-Bertalot, 1978)". IJRIES 5.6 (2018): 131-135.[More]
Simsek, Kemal and Goknur Sisman-Aydin. "Use of Mixed Wastewaters in Cyanobacteria Chroococcus Turgidus (Kutzing, 1849) culture". IJRIES 5.6 (2018): 124-130.[More]
Moumouni, Sounmaïla et al. "Parameterization of Drop Size Distribution with Rainfall Rate: Comparison of the N(D) and R(D) Functions; and Relationship between Gamma and Lognormal Laws". IJRIES 5.6 (2018): 116-123.[More]
Ayal, Mekidelawit, Rahmeto Negash and Agidew Abebe. "Determinants of Adoption of Teff Row Planting Practice: The Case of Baso Liben Woreda, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethopia". IJRIES 5.5 (2018): 112-115.[More]
Koumetio, F. et al. "Interpretation of Gravity Anomaly in the Area of Matomb (Center Cameroon) using Direct, Indirect and Inverse Methods". IJRIES 5.4 (2018): 106-111.[More]
BATENO, TEMESGEN and Taye Buke. "Postharvest Losses and Management Assessment of Commercial Fruit and Vegetable at Wolaitazone, at Sodo Market". IJRIES 5.3 (2018): 99-105.[More]
Ping, Wang et al. "A Study on the Influencing Factors of Household Energy Consumption Based on the Microscopic Perspective". IJRIES 5.2 (2018): 92-98.[More]
Gejea, Kefyalew Assefa, Tilahun Firomsa Erenso and Tadesse Hunduma Banja. "Verification and Demonstration P Critical (Pc) and P Correction Factor (Pf) Determined Through Soil Test Based Crop Response Study for P Fertilizer on Teff at Lume Area of Oromia Region, Ethiopia". IJRIES 5.1 (2018): 87-91.[More]
Year: 2017
Zope, A. V., O. S. Rakhonde and G. K. Awadhiya. "Efficacy of Different Non Conventional Chemicals on Incidence of Chickpea Wilt Complex Under Glass House Condition". IJRIES 4.6 (2017): 87-88.[More]
Sisman-Aydin, Goknur, Kemal Simsek and Mehmet Baltas. "Effects of Clinoptilolite and Mordenite on Growth of Chlorella marina (Butcher, 1952)". IJRIES 4.6 (2017): 80-86.[More]
HASHIM, M. A., G. H. ELOBIED and ADAWI. "Yield and Chemical Composition and in Vitro Digestibility of Dry Matter of Tabar Plant (Ipomaea kordofana Choisy; Convolvulaceae) in Gezira State, Sudan". IJRIES 4.5 (2017): 76-79.[More]
"Climate Change Impact on Statistical Downscaling of Daily Rainfall Data from Global Circulation Models in Chiro and Hurso Stations of Eastern Ethiopia". IJRIES 4.4 (2017): 68-75.[More]
Aredehey, Gebrejewergs and Daniel Berhe. "Assessing and Determining Nutrient Content of Potential Composting Materials in Saesie-tsaeda Emba and Enderta Districts, Tigray, Ehiopia". IJRIES 4.4 (2017): 63-67.[More]
Hilaire, Kougbéagbédè, Houngninou B. Etienne and Moumouni Sounmaila. "Modeling Rain Rate Distribution Per Diameter Class from Disdrometer Data Collected in Northern Benin (AMMA Campaign): A New Relationship Between Radar Reflectivity and Rainfall Rate". IJRIES 4.3 (2017): 56-62.[More]
Berhe, Gebremedhin and Birhane Hailu. "Evaluation of Minjingu Organic Hyper Phosphateon Yield and Yield Components of Teff (EragrostisTeff)on Acidic Soil of Tsegede Highland, Northern Ethiopia". IJRIES 4.3 (2017): 52-55.[More]