Soil Test Crop Response Based Phosphorus Calibration Study on Bread Wheat (TriticumAestivum L.) for Mollic Andosol and Eutric Vertisol in Negelle Arsi District, West Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
Hits: 785
- Research areas:
- Year:
- 2023
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Optimum Nitrogen, Phosphorus critical PC, Phosphorus requirement Pf, MRR, Mollic Andosol, Eutric Vertisol
- Authors:
- Tilahun Firomsa; Tilahun Abera; Kefyalew Assefa
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 10
- Number:
- 5
- Pages:
- 20-28
- Month:
- September
- 2394-1375
- BibTex:
- Abstract:
- Soil test based crop response fertilizer recommendation for production and productivity of bread wheat crop is critical at Negelle Arsi district. On farm experiment was conducted at Negelle Arsi district during the main cropping seasons of 2015-2017. The objective of this experiment was determination of optimum nitrogen, Phosphorus critical (Pc) and requirement factor (Pf) for bread wheat crop in Negelle Arsi district for Mollic Andosol and Eutric vertisol. On the first phase the experiment had sixteen (16) factorial combined treatments of Nitrogen (0, 46, 69 & 92) and Phosphorus (0, 23, 46 & 92) for optimum nitrogen determination. The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications. In the second phase the experiment had one uniform application of Nitrogen and Six (6) levels of phosphorus (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) treatments were arranged in RCBD with two replication for phosphorus critical and requirement factor. The grain yield data was analyzed by SAS 2004 statistical software package and mean grain yield were separated by Fisher LSD at (α
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