Study of Black Hole Radiation Power
Hits: 3658
- Research areas:
- Year:
- 2014
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- AGN, Black Hole, Chandrasekhar Limit, Radiation Power, XRBs
- Authors:
- Brajesh Kumar Jha; Dipo Mahto; Ashok Prasad Yadav; Pramod Jha
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 1
- Number:
- 2
- Pages:
- 44-47
- Month:
- Nov.-Dec.
- 2394-1375
- BibTex:
- Abstract:
- The present research article discusses the conversion of Stephen-Boltzmann-Schwarzschild-Hawking radiation power formula-- in terms of Chandrasekhar limit [Mch] and also calculates their values for different black holes existing in XRBs and AGN.
Full text: IJRIES_18_Final.pdf
Online version